Is your flooring carpeted? Carpet flooring is very popular as it makes any home look lavish and luxurious. However, when a carpet has stain, it can make an interior appear unkempt. Your trusted carpet OZ cleaning solutions share a couple of tips on how to manage the most common carpet stains and make your carpet comfy and plush once again.

According to your trusted OZ cleaning solutions, getting the gum off your carpet is easy. Just follow these simple steps. Basically, you get an ice pack or an ice cube and directly apply it on the gum. Next, get a spatula or a dull knife and gently scrape off the gum. Voila! No more gum on your carpet.

Red Wine
When you accidentally pour a red wine on your precious carpet, don’t panic. Use paper towels or a clean cloth to blot the stain. Don’t rub. Next, prepare baking soda paste. Simply, mix baking soda with water. The consistency should be pasty. Apply the paste in to the affected area. Once it dries, vacuum the stain.

Who doesn’t like chocolate? However, everyone hates it when it stains clothes and carpet. To eliminate chocolate on your precious carpet, again don’t panic. Soak the stain with cold water. The water will help loosen the stain off your rug. Use a clean cloth and squirt a small amount of your favorite liquid detergent. Rub the area in circular motion. Let it sit for a couple of minutes. Again, rinse the area with cold water. Blot it until the area dries.